Brunei Methanol Company Sdn Bhd (BMC) marked the arrival of the new Islamic Year 1445 Ilal Hijrah, by organizing a religious talk on 21 July 2023. The event took place at the BMC Main Office.

The talk, entitled “Hijrah to achieve the vision and mission in life” was presented by Ustaz Fariszal bin Ali, a certified Da’ie of the Brunei Islamic Religious Council and currently serving as an Assistant Prison Counselor at the Counseling Services Division, Department of Prisons.
Ustaz Fariszal shared his expertise and insights, shedding light on the significance of Ilal Hijrah and its relevance to personal and professional development. The engaging session featured roundtable question and answer sessions, fostering an environment of open dialogue and the sharing of personal experiences among the attendees.
The event emphasized the significance of religious observances, urging Muslims to draw inspiration from the Ilal Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and embark on personal transformations for the betterment of life.

BMC Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Abdul Mu'izz bin Dato Paduka Haji Alikhan presenting a token of appreciation to Ustaz Fariszal bin Ali.