In a display of commitment to community welfare and social responsibility, Brunei Methanol Company Sdn Bhd (BMC) had the privilege of being part of a noble cause - saving lives and giving back to the community in the recent blood donation campaign organised by the Belait Youth Association (PEMBELA) in collaboration with the Department of Laboratory Services of Suri Seri Begawan Hospital, Kuala Belait and KB Sentral Shopping Centre.
The event, which took place on 6 August 2023, was held at the KB Sentral Shopping Centre Atrium, where our Executive Officer, Mr. Yasuhisa Tsukamoto, had the privilege of gracing the occasion as the guest of honour.

BMC Executive Officer, Mr. Yasuhisa Tsukamoto graced the blood donation campaign.

At BMC, we firmly believe in giving back to the community and actively participating in initiatives that shape lives for the greater good. We are proud to have been a part of this campaign and extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Belait Youth Association (PEMBELA) for the opportunity to join hands and help replenish the supply at the Kuala Belait blood bank.

Donors bleeding for a noble cause.
For more pictures, please follow us on Instagram (@bruneimethanol_company).