BMC recently hosted a companywide townhall session on 26 March 2024, fostering an engaging experience between the executive management members and employees at all levels.
Our Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jesús Enrique Mora Marín, took centre stage and delivered a welcoming speech that reflected on the achievements of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024. He expressed gratitude to our employees, acknowledging their hard work, dedication, and relentless pursuit of ensuring the stability and reliability of our operations. This dedication lays a strong foundation for our continued success.
The speech was followed by the presentation of long-service awards for our employees who have dedicated over 15 years of service to the Company. Additionally, an appreciation award was given to the plant function team in recognition of their outstanding dedication throughout the inspection and rectification of a longstanding issue within our facility.
During this session, our employees also had the opportunity to listen to the key takeaways from our recently concluded meeting of the board of directors.
We strive to hold our companywide townhall sessions every quarter, and it is important that we create a forum where employees can feel personally connected to our leaders, our company vision and values, and what our organization stands for.
BMC Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jesús Enrique Mora Marín, delivering a warm and inspiring welcome speech at the Q1 Townhall.
BMC Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jesús Enrique Mora Marín, presenting long-service awards to our employees for their dedication of over 15 years of service to the Company.
A group photo of the BMC's Plant function team together with BMC's management for their well-deserved appreciation awards for their outstanding contributions.