Brunei Energy Industry Integrity Pact (BEIIP)Principles
Principle 1
We will maintain channels by which employees and other stakeholders can raise ethical concerns and report suspicious circumstances in confidence without risk of retaliation, and investigations will be conducted on all reports received in good faith.
Principle 2
We will maintain a Code of Conduct to guide our employees towards ethical and accountable behaviours at all times, and will apply appropriate consequence management for violations of the Code.
Principle 3
We will expect our business partners to acknowledge and adhere to our Code of Conduct and business principles when executing work on our behalf, which will be reflected in our contract terms and conditions.
Principle 4
We will provide communications and training for staff to ensure strengthened knowledge and awareness that promotes integrity, honesty, and accountability in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities.
Principle 5
We will require our staff and business partners to disclose and declare any conflicts of interest, in order to take appropriate actions to avoid compromising the integrity and fairness of our business decisions.
Principle 6
We will not offer or accept Gifts and Hospitality that could be perceived to influence business decisions or processes, and will prohibit our staff and business partners from doing so.
Principle 7
We will implement appropriate internal controls to prevent unethical conduct by our employees, ensure good governance, and institutionalize the values of integrity and accountability in our business.
Principle 8
We will prohibit bribery and facilitation payments in any form in all activities under our control.
Principle 9
We will refrain from engaging in business with parties who have demonstrated unethical business practices, and will operate with a zero tolerance policy with regards to violations of the law or our principles.