Provision of Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Consultancy Services
Contractor shall perform physical qualitative and quantitative evaluation/assessment of HRA at all manned buildings, store rooms in BMC after which an assessment report with recommendation shall be produced and submitted.
The assessment report shall include, but not limited to, the following:
Identification of potential health hazards in the workplace, including physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial hazards.
Evaluation of the risks associated with each identified hazard, including the severity of the hazard, the likelihood of exposure, and the potential health effects on employees.
Quantitative measurement of hazards, including air monitoring for chemical exposure, noise level monitoring, and ergonomic assessments.
Qualitative assessment of hazards, including interviews with employees, observations of work practices, and review of existing policies and procedures.
Risk prioritization based on severity and likelihood of occurrence, and identify risks that require immediate attention.
Recommendations for controlling or minimizing employee exposure to workplace hazards, including implementation of safety protocols, provision of personal protective equipment, or changes to work practices or procedures.
Comprehensive report of findings, including a summary of hazards identified, risks associated with each hazard, and recommendations for controlling or minimizing employee exposure.
Detailed methodology and reference to relevant international standards to be applied in the assessment.
Identification of all monitoring equipment that were used in the assessment and their specifications.
Presentation of assessment findings and risk reduction plan to BMC on site.
Minimum requirements are as follows:
Relevant Experience and Expertise:
Companies interested in participating in the open tender should demonstrate a proven track record of providing Health Risk Assessment consultancy services. This could include experience in conducting comprehensive health risk assessments for a variety of industries, familiarity with relevant regulations and standards, and the ability to provide expert recommendations based on assessment findings.
Qualified Personnel:
The company should have a team of qualified and experienced professionals who specialize in Health Risk Assessment. This might include professionals with backgrounds in occupational health, environmental health, toxicology, epidemiology, and related fields. CVs or profiles of key team members should be submitted to showcase their expertise and suitability for the project.
Ability (commitment) to Deliver within Timeline
Companies interested in participating in the open tender should demonstrate their capacity to complete the Health Risk Assessment consultancy services within the stipulated timeline. This includes providing a detailed project timeline that outlines key milestones, deliverables, and deadlines. The company should also highlight any strategies they have in place to manage potential delays or challenges that could arise during the project, ensuring that the assessment is completed on time without compromising the quality of work.
As per Guidelines set by the Department of Energy (DOE), this scope is categorized under the Highly Specialized Quadrant of the LBD Framework. Hence, this EOI is:
Open to all business entities;
Local Employment target: Best endeavor;
Local Content target: Best endeavor; and
Annual spend: Best endeavor.
Planned RFQ Date: 2nd Week September 2023
Targeted Award Date: 1st Week October 2023
Targeted Completion Date: By Q3-Q4 2023
Work Engagement Duration: Target to complete within 1 month upon award.
To confirm interest in provision of the scope, interested parties are instructed as follows:
Complete the questionnaires which can be found and downloaded using the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5cxwa30d0mhcd0dzgbejn/230817A-04RS-EOI-Questionaire-HRA-Consultancy.docx?rlkey=ynyhzll7394mm3smkulfefb0v&dl=0
Deadline for submission of EOI: 1200 hours, 06 September 2023
All submissions shall be submitted electronically via email to: rfqfb@brunei-methanol.com
Interested party is required to mark its submission clearly as: WR 6012297 – PROVISION OF HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES
ANY SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED LATER THAN THE SPECIFIED DATE AND TIME MAY BE REJECTED. Interested party/ies to note that NO COMMERCIAL SUBMISSIONS to be included in the EOI submission. Inclusion of any such material shall be rejected.
Note: This EOI shall not be deemed to be an invitation to tender. BMC shall have the right and sole discretion to reject any part or all of the response made by the interested party. BMC shall have the right and sole discretion to determine the bidders for this tender. This letter serves solely for the purpose of obtaining EOI and shall neither in any way be construed as to create any legal obligation on the parties responding to this advertisement nor mentioned herein. Expenses incurred in connection to this shall be borne in its entirety by the interested parties.